Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Favorite Historical Game

1) Games that go back well before the time of digital computer and console games can be just as entertaining as anything we have in the modern era. One of my favorites is a game called "Mancala", an African originated board game involving strategy through the counting and placing of round stones.

2) Two players sit in front of opposite sides of a small wooden board, with 6 holes or pits for each of them. Vertically next to the two rows of pits, each player gets a larger pit, called a basket, which is the goal for your stones. Each player gets 4 stones per pit, and methodically picks them up, and drops them one at a time into each following pit. So if a player has 3 pits ahead of their pick up pit and then a basket, they drop one of the four stones into each pit in order, until they hit the basket. The fourth stone goes in the basket. They have succeeded in scoring a point, and because the last stone in their hand dropped into their point basket, they go again. Each player takes turns spreading the stones around from pit to pit, until they have emptied their side of the board.

3) I chose this game over any other historical non digital game, because I had it as a child, and fell in love with the simplicity yet strategy that came with it. It can be easily learned by anyone, and has a easy set up and clean up. Its a great game to pull out and challenge a friend with. You can plan moves way ahead, and set up the clean out of your pits before your opponent has made any moves. You can anticipate the outcome of a players turn, by studying their methods. It can be either intensely engaging, or simply calm to play with a friend at any time. That is why I love Mancala, and I think everyone who loves games should give this ancient African stone game a chance.

Here is a video link on how to play "Mancala" 

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